Approach to Education
We consider the school as a dynamic team. Administrators, teachers, and students are all active members of this team. Everyone has a job to do and everyone is accountable. Administrators, students and staff work together with the help of technology to discover and fill gaps.
Planning and Preparing
Thorough preparation precedes teaching in Suguna
PIPS. Every course is researched, structured, and described in terms of clearly stated objectives. A
plan for every subject at every stage is prepared. Each plan is complete: it includes all of the
points to be taught and the skills to be developed; it is detailed: each objective is precise and
measurable; it is paced: progress is charted against a timeline. The plan for each stage dovetails
with that of the following stage, ensuring that nothing essential to further learning is omitted and
enabling a smooth and successful transition from one year to the next.
Teaching Methods
The whole class is taught together. The key
concepts of a lesson are listed and taught interactively, alternating oral work, individual written
work, and group checking. Class time is used to build a solid foundation of knowledge through
interacting, analyzing, forming and expressing opinions, and engaging in effective discussions.
The teaching method used and the pace set stimulate students by keeping them interested and channeling their enthusiasm. When in class, students learn actively.
Testing and Monitoring
Continuous and comprehensive evaluation of
student learning is an integral part of the instructional process. Regular testing is conducted in
order to evaluate student learning and permit timely, positive intervention.
Testing students as such has a number of very important advantages:
- Students are trained to perform well under the pressure of time.
- Students develop the ability to focus and sustain concentration for increasingly long periods.
- The feedback from testing allows close monitoring and follow-up.
Student Follow-Up
Through regular testing, the progress of each
student is carefully and continuously monitored, and any necessary follow-up is undertaken on a timely
basis. In addition to praise and encouragement, all available means are used to help those students
who may fall behind for one reason or another. Students are advised in study techniques, motivated by
the academic staff and encouraged by peer-tutors or teachers
Parents' Update
Students are supported and constantly helped to
achieve the highest possible standard. Intense follow-up ensures no one slips through the cracks.
However, some students neglect their responsibilities and parental involvement becomes necessary. When
needed, parents are called in to the school. Alternatively, parents who want to find out about their
children may call the school for an appointment.
Academic Goals
It is our belief that the success of an educational institution should be measured by the value it adds to each individual.
The school's academic goals can be summarized as follows:
- To qualify every student for entrance into colleges/universities around the world.
- To provide a well-rounded education based on a mastery of English, Mathematics and Science.
- To enable students to benefit from a trilingual educational system.
- To train students in logical reasoning and critical thinking.
- To prepare students to be able to sustain intellectual efforts for long periods.